
September 12, 2013

Review: Heartstrings Ep.2: That's My World

In this episode, they had a battle between The Stupid and The Windflower. It was cool and all, but The Windflower lost due to technical error.

An interesting matter about this episode.....
is when Lee Sin asked Gyu Won ( I still haven't got a clue about the main characters name) to cover for him in class where he went frolicking in the meadows. You just don't asked for a girl to cover for you when it is well known who you are. You're just inviting trouble. They're punished for it in case you were wandering.

This brings us to the issue of playing truant among school children. I'm putting the term loosely because all of us who are still in school regardless in primary, secondary or tertiary education, it is still considered schooling. I've been wandering for ages, where do those kids who played truant really go?

Don't get me wrong, I'm no goody two-shoes, I had my share of gate climbing and warden dodging in my days but I guess my escapade wasn't really colourful. All I did was either walk around town, loafing in the library to read, or simply at the dormitory....sleeping.

What peeved me wasn't the act actually because frankly, we do that sometimes. The thrill and the boredom at the same time. It's actually the act of covering for your friends when they're not there. If they have a leggit reason for not being there, they should've just said so, or give a letter as proof. Not asking a fellow classmate to sign for the attendance. I pity the friends who had to be punished alongside their so called friend when they're caught of forging signature for class.

If I can force myself to take a Medical Certificate (MC) from the clinic in the middle of a horrible fever, you can drag your sorry ass there as well. If you don't want to, just cut class, or take the MC later or whatever. Your call. Don't lie like that. It's because of people like that,that created the need of proving the fact that you're actually sick. Sometimes I wander, don't these authority figures understand that sick people just wanna rest in bed and not moving around with a blinding headache?

The point is, cut class all you want, just don't drag anyone into your swineful business.

1 comment:

  1. i'm too lazy to edit my own writing. i keep misspelling wonder. if somehow, anyone reading would like to correct me, im telling you all in advance.
