

This blog is mine.

All thoughts are solely, rightfully mine.

Thoughts not pictures, unless stated otherwise.

I tend to review stuff but they mostly end up as rant.

This was intended as an exercise to practice my writing.

Therefore, I shall write about anything.

I said anything but some thoughts are private so, this is just a crust of me.

(Me being the body of an awesome being)

Things that I feel safe to rant about.

I just do things. I don't actually finish them.

Oh yeah, this page is supposed to be about me.. not a disclaimer, my bad.....

I like red and black on certain days and rainbows the next.

I like arts and craft, and I like to draw anime.

I like juice, milk, and yogurt drinks.

I eat just about anything.

I like taking pictures of nice things, but you'd obviously won't see them here. I'm much too self-conscious for that.

I read. A lot. I review book sometimes. But I tend to go on a reading spree, forgetting to review them because at times, writing is such a bore. Or maybe a chore. I read because I don't want to think and to make my brain 'shut up'. Writing makes my brain go extra loud and hyper... with no filter.

I don't think telling you guys bit and pieces about me would help you to get to know me.....

I'm an awful friend and suck at keeping in touch. I apologize for that. If its any explanation, I move a lot.... Not as much as a military kid, but enough.

Okay....... this is getting depressing... if its any consolation, I'm a chatterbox.

Feel free to comment on any post, it shows that you care. :3

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