
June 12, 2012


Arr matey!!! *brandishing a sword in the air.

Well, I was going to start with a lame hello or saying that it has been a while since I'm here.
I did intend to talk about my mum's new hobby, my holiday or even a stray cat that I found.
But, after blog hopping to a few, well blogs, I found that I really lack of things to say and I have a very plain way of writing.

That somehow depress me....
Enough of the gloom and doom.

I'm gonna talk about some people that I admire...
Not that kind of admire, or whatever mushy stuff in your head...

I admire this three people's writing. One write with particular cheeriness. Another with great wit. And the other are simply weird. Well she say unique and I somewhat agrees. In my opinion, all of them have it in them, the power of pulling people to read. (or maybe just me)

Nina said (her poster did anyway) that to be a good writer, you must write every day to get a hang of it. I did try, I really do, but I can't seem to entertain myself. I am not amused by it. I don't mean I was suppose to laugh at my writing but at least others doesn't seem bland like mine. And they use such big words... I'm so jealous of them. T^T

Here's the links:

I can't get the link to work so you just have to copy and paste it to that search bar on top. >,< Sorry for the inconvenience.

I hope you guys would enjoy it as much as I did. I'd love to write more but I have my insecurities. I know that my self doubt is the key to my down fall or self destruct. I'll try posting little by little, time and time again, so I could somehow overcome this attitude. I know I can do better. I believe in me (even if you guys don't)

Until next time.